Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Olive to world .. i am connected.. roger

it's 5.45pm .. ok now it's 5.55 .. in the ten minutes in between, i just had ..wait made an omlette. So this is my first blog.. so i guess you want to know something about me ? or maybe you are just browsing around.. Now if you are looking for some kids with not so nice intentions.. please let me know... i will promptly report you to the police. Ok so my distate of those who just moved to another blog is clear...

I am 24 .. i have lived an interesting existence.. interesting from an interesting perspective.. in the sense that i dont belong anywhere.. no i do.. but i just don't know where.. I was born in "I" brought up in "S" and i am living in "A" .. so i am a citizen of the world

why olive ? they are healthy ?? i like them ? ok bit of them both.. but the story goes as such that in 1996 i discovered IRC.. and just decided to call my self St_Olive.. .duh.. some of you might say

ok i think i have turned a lot of you away now.. tommorow is a big day for me.. 1/2 of my family coming to live with me.. i like 1/2 of that 1/2 the 1/2 i don't like is going to stay for a while .. but the 1/2 i like will have to go back to .. Singapore.. oops "S"

see u guys/girls/its/wits tommorow
