Friday, July 07, 2006

Stephen Hawking's Question

Stephen Hawking's , one of the most brilliant of all scientists of all times asked a question on Yahoo Answers 3 days.;_ylt=ApfLT1zBxg6g6nY.YOMou0gjzKIX?qid=20060704195516AAnrdOD

The question "How can the human race survive the next hundred years?"has drawn in excess of 18,000 answers as of now. If you have time right now go and read some answers, you will be amazed with some answers. Anyway, Here is my answer

Dear Sir,
Your question is difficult at glance, and one may derive answers from Economics, Social Justice, Law & Order, Climate change, International Trade, Politics, Science, Technology, Education, Wealth and Religion.

I believe the answer is uncomplicated in nature, just like the question you pose. You mention the human race. They key here is race and not races. The emphasis is on being one and not being 2 or 3, feeling equal and not seeing different.

I am Indian and my Girlfriend of 3 years is Irish. We will get married next year. Both of us just like many of our friends at our age are oblivious to the fact that she is white and I am brown, she is Catholic and I am Hindu. We have numerous so called differences, yet we don't see them. We have not only brought both of us together but also our parents, relatives’ friends and neighbours.

100 years ago, we would have never met, 70 years ago we would not have been allowed to get-together, I may have been Jailed and she sent back home, 30 years ago our parents may have distanced themselves from us. 20 years we would have had to face unwelcome looks and glances. But here in today's world hardly anyone notices us; even the priests of our respective religions welcome us. I have taken an active interest in Irish culture and traditions and she has taken an active interest in poverty and social issues in India, although we both live in Australia.

It’s because of this we are now aware of issues that our parents never were. It’s only through collective action that we can meander ourselves as one human race through the next 100 years.

We the generation of today are truly becoming one; we are shedding our so called races and forging one true human race. If we all become one, all problems become ours and together we can solve them.

We the generation of tomorrow, we who do not see difference are the answer for the human race to survive the next hundread years and I hope your generation of elders welcomes us.

Sir this is your answer.

Monday, July 03, 2006

This that and me.

Hmm i just read my last blog. I am one of those,If i write, i keep on writing and then i don't read what i have written *damm those 1/2 marks i could have earned in my uni days if i had just bloody well read my reports*. Anyway what i noticed was *from my last blog*, that i have used too many '....' and since i have written what i was thinking at the time * on the fly*, i should have rehashed it. So point to myself from now onwards. ok two points

1. Read what i write ( won't happen anytime soon)
2. Don't use too many .....
3. Re-hash long blogs to make them cohesive and easily readable
4. That's three points not 2..... i am not following what i said earlier * called lack of discipline*

anyway... today's topic


This life of mine is interesting. More annyoying. On one hand, i am a typical human-being. I want more. More of everything. Better everything. NEED this NEED that. I use the word need like most of us do *VERY OFTEN*. It is such a strong word. Such a deep word, a word so close to us. Around 30,000 people died today of Hunger and I NEEDED my dinner to be hot ?. So yes you like --> me NEED things. Ah relativity * <-- a strange phenomena only seen from phsyics point of view, should be studied more from a social point of view*. Anyway back to the topic *see again i am talking at different levels, Olive don't do that *. So i like every one of us is caught up in this rat race we call life.

On the other hand, I have no need to NEED many things I need. More like want. Just like you reading this blog. Do you NEED 7 hours of sleep 2nite? mind you a woman has just lost her baby as it died of hunger in her lap. So you want to sleep. The baby has died. There are starving people in the world. You donate to worldvision/redcross just like i do. You have done your part. You NEED your sleep. This is annoying bit, right here, i am aware that i don't need what i need and i resent the fact that i am not doing anything about it except whinging to you. Well at least i am doing something about it * see i have started justifying* by writing to the world rather than just thinking and talking to my loved ones like i have done since i .. actually don't know since when, can't really recall THE moment. Never sat under a bodhi tree.

Anyway the problem as you may have noticed is that i am aware. Shit it sucks. I am aware and i am not doing anything about it. And even if i do something about it it wont be enough. Infact donating $54,000,000,000USD and keeping $10,000,000,000 like WB just did, Won't still be enough *point to myself, i don't have that kind money * .


So doesn't it really suck to be me? It would have been great to have been born completely ignorant, in an complacent environment, hated everyone who did not look like me or came from MY country. This would have been great. Life would have been a bliss. Then i would have watched Entertainment News, read tabloids, would have cherised Kidman getting married what's his name? * i mean seriously what the fuck have the done for you and me .. why would you care* infact its because of people like us they are spending $20,000 a nite in Bora Bora. How wonderful. Great.. oooooh ísn't she preety? oooooh .. doesn't wats his name sing well.
Damm would have loved to live like that, Not giving a fuck or more so not have the ability to give a fuck ie. to the world around us doing all the stupid things mentioned above and living peacfully.. Oh no.. instead i HAVE to give a fuck.. i have to get pissed of at myself for driving my Honda to the train-station and pollute the very environment, i have to hate myself for buying clothes..more clothes as i know that the dyes that they are made up off are killing the person who made them..slowly but surely. I resent the fact that i switch on my reverse cycle airconditioner and heat the room up to 23C, and then switch the fan on * cause i NEED it perfect*, have a dooner and sleep in natural latex, when right now this very moment someone is freezing to death.

Its perfect, i have everthing. A great family,a great house..which i am not paying for, a beautiful girl who loves me, a job i like, the best boss in the world, great colleagues, i am healthy, I have good friends, i am young, i watch the world-cup in wide screen LCD right in my own house, . What a miserable life i live. Its sad.

see my point ? not that i want to be the guy who has freeze died tonite, but i hate being aware of him.


Friday, June 30, 2006

The Nuclear Power Debate

I posted this on the comments/blogs somewhere.. but i guess they never put it up for it was too long or they didn't like it anyway.. here are my thoughts.. *ps i haven't bothered putting the spellchecker through.. as i increasingly feel that the more tools i use to " ïmprove" my language skills the more they detoriate <-- *spelling* :) over time.. i think microsoft word is making us dumber ..don't you agree ? * anyway.. here are my thoughts on N-Power

Perfect Timing. Hmm isnt it a bit sus that just when the government decides to open up the nuclear debate..there is an accident at Lucas Heights. Makes me wonder if there have been incidents before but never reported..

anyway.. regarding nuclear debate.. there is absolutely no argument that nuclear fuel is more environmentally friendly than the fossil fuels that we burn.. no argument at all.. anyone who argues contra just doensn't know enough about the topic.

The key question is .. is it safer? again lets not talk about Chernobyl.. they were undertrained, poorly resourced,underpaid,overworked human beings who made a mistake that was not rectified by overused,unmaintained,antique management platform.

With current systems.. a nuclear meltdown can't happen, no ONE person can cause a chain reaction with the current systems in place(accidently/maliciously) anyone who DOES NOT know the management protcol and systems platform of western nuclear reactors.. dont jump up and down at this comment.. go and visit one and know how it works first... yes its safe .. however just like what happened in sept 11.. 4 plaanes were hijacked on one day.. where none had been hijacked in 10 years .. coming to the nuclear debate.. yes if someone manages to get inside a nuclear reactor..stevan segal style manages to pull the radioactive rods out.tom cruise style(quick play the music in your head..) and then cause destruction in sydney with a dirty bomb..Edward Norton style.. we would have a problem.. if you know what i am getting at .. an extraordinary chain of events only likely in movies or heads of people who have too much time....

My Point being .. we cannot stop and entire field of science which will provide this planet with a reliable source of fuel without causing air pollution,water pollution, de-forestation etc.. for generations .. for the mere sake of what ifs and buts.. if such ..lets stop electricity as kids might electrocute themselves or.. the reason why cars,electricity,planes,pesticides,medicines have become safer over generations is simply because we learnt from our mistakes and unfortunately human lives * i am not being insenstive here* .. but how many of your loved ones have had cancer.. and how many of them got treated for it ? if we had halted medical science 40 years ago.. many australians would have died by now of skin cancer for one... * the topic of WHY CANCER rates have increased.. is a new thread*
we have learnt from Cherynobl.. a terrible disaster.. we have learn't from the gas leak of bhopal again a terrible tragedy.. and we will keep on learning and perfecting everything we have created...from the angle of the technology not being safe enough.. the arguments do seem to crumble..when we walk out in the sun and feel the sting and physically sense at the havoc fossil fuels are causing to our ozone layer..
again at this point i will have to side track and engage those of you who want to point out that cars and industry spew more crap in the air then coal burning power stations....again please rationalise.. there is no reason why cars and industry would not be able to able to run on SAFE nuclear engines and turbines..agreed that we can only do that if we learn how to control nuclear fission and my point is that WE CAN ONLY LEARN IF WE ARE ALLOWED TO... time is literally running out.. we need more students,engineers and an entire industry to reserach and spawn alternative technologies (esp controlable nuclear fission) than we simply need to make voters aware that the N word is not that bad....stop comparing nuclear power to nuclear WEAPONS.. you are allowed to do that if you are not a hypocrite.. hey don't bloody sit in a commercial PLANE because it was a military PLANE that dropped Little Boy and Fatman on japan.. dont drive a car because YOUR car adds to the pollution.. don't wear coloured clothes.. because it is YOUR dye that is seeping into water streams in Gujarat, India and getting people sick. ...YOUR mere existence as a human being is a threat to the very cause that you are protecting get my point ? ..then please do not stop a technology which in reality promises so so much..

this brings me to nuclear waste.. something that i haven't tackled now.. i really would turn a lot of my fellow citizens away right now .. by saying that Australia..yes Australia is infact the safest place in the world to dump nuclear waste...there is thousands of kilometers of unused/arid totally useless * i don't only mean from a human perspective..again a different thread if you want to talk about this..lets get back to the main topic* land in NT,WA and some part of NW QLD.. where there are no underwater streams and and outside of Great Artisian Basin.. no fault lines and extremely low chance of sesmic activities...where we can safely.. yes i mean safely *** go type up bentonite nuclear waste sweden .. in google NOW and before you read the next few lines.. unfortunately some environmentalists shoot at everything simply because they don't LIKE and WANT nuclear technology to begin with **** bury nuclear fuel.. infact i am sure if we are allowed to explore the technology further we may even find a way to recycle nuclear waste..hey it may even be economically viable through nuclear rockets to just pump it up in space outside orbit pattern and pointing towards let's say Orion **** i don't think it will harm anyone unless you want to talk angry aliens or it coming back byitself after making a round in space.. if so you must be logging in from nimbin ****..

The gist of my whole argument is this:
we must and i state again we must be allowed to explore options and develop this that we can make the world SAFER yes safer and leave something for our future generations.

We have to stop our overreliance on oil as human beings..yes i agree its not only nuclear power that we should explore.. there is plenty of energy in waves.. hell all of our cities bar a few odd ones *hehee alice springs etc* are on water.. and don't waves have energy ? ;) ..the key diference is that in uranium there is so much energy stored in such little space put it bluntly..which makes nuclear technology a superb viable option would also fit into the capitalist nature of human beings ie there would be strong barriers of entry where mine leases all the way to power-stations through to storage would be in the hands of few such the Exxons and Shells of today.. i am really happy with that because it is through the 'collective' efforts of such companies that today you and i can go from sydney to brisbane in 1 hour...yes they have made themselves rich along the way.. but this is the crux of my thinking.. you and i would love 'free' source energy.. but really in whose intrests is it ? its a utopian idea.. but is it likely to happen? .. i am willing to trade large parts of my life just like how i am doing now.. and so are you by going to work.. paying interest rates ..filling up cars..and all the other things that we are conditioned to do since existence..from the times that we were apes the times of kings and queens to now .. we have followed a system and a hierachy of bargaining our existence with each other in some form.. where we gave our wheat and barely to our kings and they let us live to now when we are paying insurance etc.. which prolongs our life among other ancillary comforts that we enjoy.. we have always bargained.. i am sorry of doing this the long way.. but the point i am getting on is this.... in the last 100 years we have have set about a collective force so powerful *** in our quest to climb up Maslow's hierachy.. go read it up if you haven't.. a brilliant yet simple observation*** that we are now in a position to destroy everything around us ..including us. Where we can do that immediately with nuclear weapons.. we are doing it slowly with our reliance on fossil fuels.. there IS an alternative and thats Nuclear Fuel..waves,the sun,wind are alternatives but as i explained earlier.. don't waste your time changing the status quo.. don't ask for too much.. bargain... because we are really running out of time.. lets focus on making a commercial and profitable technology safe and cheap.. so that we can all benefit and move into a new age just like we did we when ... made the wheel..

lets give Nuclear energy a try

please feel free to put comments up .. !!! if you agree with me please let me know !! if you don't please please let me know too !! this affects all of us we live on the same planet .. so say something !!! NOW !!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


The word above is my enemy no. 1 . I have 3 exams in few days and have not studied..
infact i am procastinating right now..

alright the only way to fix this is to get back to my studies

chapter 3 here i come

St Olive

Friday, February 10, 2006

Yay i am back

from outer space..

anyway.. i created this blog and thats it .. forgot about it.. but i think i will/maybe to be honest
continue daily..

so what happened today ?? well nothing much.. brilliant..

i am still alive..

i really don't know what to write.. for two reasons

1) where should i start ..

2) There are a lot of weirdos out there.. so how much to say...

maybe i will learn along the way..

St Olive

( i will write tommorow)

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Olive to world .. i am connected.. roger

it's 5.45pm .. ok now it's 5.55 .. in the ten minutes in between, i just had ..wait made an omlette. So this is my first blog.. so i guess you want to know something about me ? or maybe you are just browsing around.. Now if you are looking for some kids with not so nice intentions.. please let me know... i will promptly report you to the police. Ok so my distate of those who just moved to another blog is clear...

I am 24 .. i have lived an interesting existence.. interesting from an interesting perspective.. in the sense that i dont belong anywhere.. no i do.. but i just don't know where.. I was born in "I" brought up in "S" and i am living in "A" .. so i am a citizen of the world

why olive ? they are healthy ?? i like them ? ok bit of them both.. but the story goes as such that in 1996 i discovered IRC.. and just decided to call my self St_Olive.. .duh.. some of you might say

ok i think i have turned a lot of you away now.. tommorow is a big day for me.. 1/2 of my family coming to live with me.. i like 1/2 of that 1/2 the 1/2 i don't like is going to stay for a while .. but the 1/2 i like will have to go back to .. Singapore.. oops "S"

see u guys/girls/its/wits tommorow
